Public Function log_cr_email(ByVal cr_id As String, _
ByVal log_date As String, ByVal message As String, _
ByVal recipient As String, ByVal cc_list As String, _
ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal gen_time_bombs As Boolean, _
ByVal send_email As Boolean, _
ByVal int_fld1 As String, ByVal int_val1 As Long, _
ByVal int_fld2 As String, ByVal int_val2 As Long, _
ByVal str_fld1 As String, ByVal str_val1 As String, _
ByVal str_fld2 As String, ByVal str_val2 As String, _
ByVal date_fld1 As String, _
ByVal date_val1 As String) _
As Integer
Public Function log_cr_email_list(ByVal cr_id As String, _
ByVal log_date As String, _
ByVal message As String, _
ByVal recipient As String, _
ByVal cc_list As String, _
ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal gen_time_bombs As Boolean, _
ByVal send_email As Boolean, _
Optional fld_list As Variant, _
Optional type_list As Variant, _
Optional val_list As Variant) As Integer
These APIs are used to create an email log (email out) against a CR. The date the email is logged can be set, as well as the user who logs the email. Additional fields on the log_email record can also be set as well as a time bomb (for the email_log), which allows notifications to be generated based on the event. In addition, the proper time_bomb can be optionally created that will cause rulemanager to send out the email.
Parameter Name Required? Description
cr_id Yes The CR to create the log for
log_date No The date the log was created. If left blank, the current time is used
message No The text (body) of the email message
recipient No The email address of the intended recipient
cc_list No A list of additional recipients to be included on the CC list
user_name No The user who created the log. If left blank, the current user performs
the logging
gen_time_bombs Yes Should a time_bomb be generated (for notifications/business rules)
send_email Yes Should rulemanager send this email
int_fld1, int_fld2 No Names of additional fields to write. Must use "" if not using
str_fld1, str_fld2 these parameters
int_val1, int_val2 No Values for the additional fields. Must use "" (string) or 0 (long)
str_val1, str_val2 if not using these parameters
fld_list No List of additional field names to write
type_list No List of additional field data types to write
val_list No List of additional field values to write
Value Meaning
0 No errors; sets objid of new email_log object in ret_objid (Long) global variable
-1 Cannot find the specified CR
-2 Cannot find the specified user
-3 Cannot find gbst_elm rank 3400 for string EMAIL OUT
-4 Cannot find the specified user's employee record for relating time bomb
-5 Cannot find the com_tmplte with a title of "send_email_about_bug"
ret_objid Output Returns the objid of the email_log
· Create an email_log for CR number '2'. Set the message for the log. Set the recipient to be, and also CC the email to and Have the email logged by marty on November 23, 1997 at 10PM. Generate a time bomb (for business rule notification), and also generate a time_bomb so that rulemanager will send out the email. The second field version illustrates how to set additional fields.
Field version 1:
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim log_objid As Long
ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
"", 0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "")
If ret_int = 0 Then
log_objid = fccq.ret_objid
End If
var ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
"", 0, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "");
if (ret_int == 0) { var log_objid = fccq.ret_objid; }
Field version 2:
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim log_objid As Long
ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
"x_int1", 1, "x_int2", 456, _
"x_summary2", "More text", "", "", _
"x_other_date", "1/1/99")
If ret_int = 0 Then
log_objid = fccq.ret_objid
End If
var ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
"x_int1", 1, "x_int2", 456,
"x_summary2", "More text", "", "",
"x_other_date", "1/1/99");
if (ret_int == 0) { var log_objid = fccq.ret_objid; }
List version:
Visual Basic:
Dim log_objid As Long
Dim ret_int As Integer
Dim fld_list As New FCFLCompat.FCList
Dim type_list As New FCFLCompat.FCList
Dim val_list As New FCFLCompat.FCList
fld_list.AppendItem "x_log_int1"
type_list.AppendItem "Long"
val_list.AppendItem Trim(Str$(1))
fld_list.AppendItem "x_log_int2"
type_list.AppendItem "Long"
val_list.AppendItem Trim(Str$(456))
fld_list.AppendItem "x_summary2"
type_list.AppendItem "String"
val_list.AppendItem "More text"
fld_list.AppendItem "x_other_date"
type_list.AppendItem "Date"
val_list.AppendItem "1/1/99"
ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email_list("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
fld_list, type_list, val_list)
If ret_int = 0 Then
log_objid = fccq.ret_objid
End If
var fld_list = Server.CreateObject("FCFLCompat.FCList");
var type_list = Server.CreateObject("FCFLCompat.FCList");
var val_list = Server.CreateObject("FCFLCompat.FCList");
val_list.AppendItem("More text");
var ret_int = fccq.log_cr_email_list("2", "11/23/97 22:00:00",_
"This is an outgoing email", _
"", _
",", _
"marty", True, True, _
fld_list, type_list, val_list);
if (ret_int == 0) { var log_objid = fccq.ret_objid; }